indoor gardening – caregroomlove Mon, 03 Jun 2024 15:37:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 Best Mosquito Repellent Plants Sat, 01 Jun 2024 09:43:14 +0000 Warmer seasons bring the joy of sunny days and outdoor activities, but they also herald the arrival of those pesky mosquitoes. While there are many chemical repellents available to keep these biting insects at bay, many homeowners and garden enthusiasts are turning to a more natural and aesthetically pleasing solution: mosquito repellent plants. In this […]

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Warmer seasons bring the joy of sunny days and outdoor activities, but they also herald the arrival of those pesky mosquitoes.

While there are many chemical repellents available to keep these biting insects at bay, many homeowners and garden enthusiasts are turning to a more natural and aesthetically pleasing solution: mosquito repellent plants.

In this article, we will explore seven of the best mosquito repellent plants that can add beauty to your space and comfort to your outdoor living.

Understanding Mosquito Repellent Plants

Before diving into the list of plants, it’s essential to understand how these flora work to repel mosquitoes. Many of these plants contain natural oils and fragrances that, when released, can deter mosquitoes from lingering in your garden or patio. It’s important to note that simply having these plants in your yard is not a cure-all; the most effective use of these plants involves crushing the leaves to release their oils or even using them in conjunction with other mosquito control methods.

Are All Mosquito Repellent Plants Pet Safe?

Pet owners must consider the safety of their furry friends when choosing plants for their garden. While many mosquito repellent plants are safe for pets, some can be toxic if ingested. Always research and confirm the safety of each plant in relation to your pets before planting.

The Top 7 Mosquito Repellant Plants

Now, let’s take a look at the seven best mosquito repellent plants that can help keep those biting bugs at bay.

1. Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus)

Citronella is perhaps the most well-known mosquito repellent plant, thanks to the popular citronella candles and oils derived from it. This plant’s strong scent masks other attractants to mosquitoes, making it an effective natural repellent. Citronella is a perennial grass that grows best in full sun and well-drained soil.

2. Lavender (Lavandula spp.)

Lavender not only boasts a relaxing fragrance and lovely purple blooms but also has mosquito repellent properties. The natural oils in lavender are offensive to mosquitoes. It’s a hardy plant that thrives in warmer climates and can also be used in sachets and oils for a soothing aroma inside your home.

3. Marigolds (Tagetes spp.)

Marigolds contain pyrethrum, an ingredient found in many insect repellents. Their unique scent can help keep mosquitoes and even other pests like nematodes away. These annuals are easy to grow and can be planted in pots, borders, or gardens for a splash of color.

best mosquito repellent plants

4. Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Basil isn’t just a staple in the kitchen; it’s also a robust mosquito repellent. Its strong scent and essential oils are unappealing to mosquitoes. Basil is an annual herb that can be grown in pots or in the ground, and it prefers lots of sunlight and moist soil.

5. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon balm, a member of the mint family, emits a strong lemon scent that mosquitoes dislike. It’s an easy-to-grow perennial that can be invasive, so it’s often best planted in containers. Besides repelling mosquitoes, lemon balm can be used in teas and cooking for its mild lemon flavor.

6. Catnip (Nepeta cataria)

Surprisingly, catnip is more than just a treat for cats; it’s also a powerful mosquito repellent. Research has shown that catnip may be more effective than DEET, the active ingredient in many chemical repellents. Catnip is a perennial that’s easy to grow but can be invasive, so container planting might be the best option.

7. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary’s woody scent is pleasant to humans but a deterrent to mosquitoes. This herb is ideal for growing in pots or as a hedge in your garden. It’s not just a mosquito repellent; rosemary is also a culinary favorite that can be used fresh or dried in a variety of dishes.

Growing Mosquito Repellent Plants in Florida

Florida’s warm climate is a haven for mosquitoes, making mosquito repellent plants a valuable addition to any Sunshine State garden. Most of the plants listed above thrive in Florida, but it’s crucial to provide them with the right growing conditions to ensure their effectiveness. Here are a few tips for Floridians:

  • Plant in well-drained soil and full sun, as most mosquito repellent plants love the sun.
  • Regularly trim and maintain your plants to encourage growth and the release of their mosquito-repellent oils.
  • Consider companion planting to maximize the benefits of these plants.

Incorporating Mosquito Repellent Plants in Your Garden Design

Integrating mosquito repellent plants into your garden isn’t just functional; it can also be an exercise in creativity. Here are some design ideas:

A. Creating a Border

Plant a border of marigolds or lavender around your patio or garden area. Not only will this create a beautiful edge, but it will also form a natural barrier against mosquitoes.

B. Container Gardening

For those with limited space or those who want to keep invasive species in check, growing mosquito repellent plants in containers is a perfect solution. Containers can be placed strategically around seating areas for optimal protection.

C. Herb Gardens

Combine culinary and mosquito repellent herbs like basil, rosemary, and lemon balm in a dedicated herb garden. This will provide easy access for cooking and natural mosquito defense.

D. Mixed Plantings

Mix mosquito repellent plants with other non-repellent varieties to create a diverse and attractive garden. The key is to position the repellent plants where they’ll be most effective—near seating areas and entrances to your home.


Mosquito repellent plants can be a natural and beautiful way to enhance your garden while keeping mosquitoes at bay. Whether you’re in mosquito-prone Florida or elsewhere, these plants can contribute to a more enjoyable outdoor living experience.

Remember to choose plants that are suitable for your climate and safe for your pets, and to use them in conjunction with other mosquito control methods for the best results. Happy gardening, and enjoy your mosquito-free outdoor space!

The post 7 Best Mosquito Repellent Plants appeared first on caregroomlove.

Ultimate Guide on How to Grow Microgreens Indoors Thu, 28 Oct 2021 19:26:46 +0000 Microgreens are not only a great source of nutrients but also a delightful addition to any dish. Growing microgreens indoors is a rewarding and straightforward process that allows you to enjoy fresh, flavorful greens year-round. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner with a green thumb, this ultimate guide will provide you with all […]

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Microgreens are not only a great source of nutrients but also a delightful addition to any dish. Growing microgreens indoors is a rewarding and straightforward process that allows you to enjoy fresh, flavorful greens year-round.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner with a green thumb, this ultimate guide will provide you with all the information you need to successfully grow microgreens indoors.

Getting Started with Microgreens

Microgreens are young vegetable greens harvested at an early stage, typically when the first true leaves appear.

They are packed with flavor and nutrients, making them a popular choice for salads, garnishes, and smoothie additions. To get started with growing microgreens indoors, you’ll need the following:

1. Seeds: Choose high-quality, organic seeds of your preferred microgreen varieties. Popular options include broccoli, radish, kale, arugula, and mustard greens.

2. Growing Trays: Use shallow trays or containers with drainage holes to plant your microgreens. These can be plastic or wooden trays specifically designed for growing microgreens.

3. Growing Medium: Opt for a sterile, lightweight growing medium such as potting soil, coconut coir, or peat moss. Ensure that the medium is well-draining to prevent waterlogging.

4. Light Source: While microgreens can germinate in natural light, providing supplemental light with grow lights can help ensure healthy and uniform growth.

Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Microgreens Indoors

Follow these steps for a successful indoor microgreens growing experience:

1. Prepare the Growing Trays: Fill the trays with the growing medium, leveling it evenly and lightly pressing it down to create a smooth surface.

2. Sow the Seeds: Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the surface of the growing medium, ensuring that they are not overcrowded. Gently press the seeds into the medium to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.

3. Watering: Mist the seeds with water using a spray bottle, ensuring that the growing medium is evenly moist but not waterlogged. Cover the trays with a plastic lid or damp paper towel to maintain moisture during germination.

4. Germination: Place the trays in a warm, well-lit area, away from direct sunlight. Seeds should begin to germinate within a few days, at which point you can remove the cover and place the trays under grow lights or in a sunny window.

5. Care and Maintenance: Ensure that the microgreens receive adequate light and water as they grow. Keep the growing medium consistently moist but not waterlogged, and provide 12-16 hours of light per day to promote healthy growth.

Harvesting and Enjoying Your Microgreens

After about 1-3 weeks, depending on the variety, your microgreens will be ready for harvest.

Use clean scissors to snip the greens just above the soil line, and they are ready to be enjoyed in salads, sandwiches, smoothies, or as a flavorful garnish for various dishes.

Benefits of Growing Microgreens Indoors

Growing microgreens indoors offers several benefits, including:

1. Year-Round Harvest: Indoor growing allows you to enjoy fresh microgreens regardless of the season.

benefits of microgreens
source: osreps

2. Nutrient-Rich Greens: Microgreens are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a valuable addition to a healthy diet.

3. Space-Efficient: Indoor growing is ideal for those with limited outdoor space, as microgreens can be grown in compact trays on countertops or shelves.

In conclusion, growing microgreens indoors is a simple and rewarding way to incorporate fresh, nutrient-rich greens into your diet. With the right tools, a bit of patience, and regular care, you can enjoy a constant supply of vibrant, flavorful microgreens right in your own kitchen.

Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast, health-conscious individual, or avid gardener, indoor microgreens growing is an enjoyable and beneficial endeavor that anyone can explore.

The post Ultimate Guide on How to Grow Microgreens Indoors appeared first on caregroomlove.

Grow Upwards! How to Train Indoor Plant to Climb in 4 Simple Ways Mon, 15 Mar 2021 16:17:33 +0000 Are you tired of your indoor plants just sitting there, taking up space? Do you want to add some height and dimension to your home décor? Then it is time to train your plants to climb! Not only does it create a visually stunning display, but it also helps keep your plant healthy and thriving. […]

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Are you tired of your indoor plants just sitting there, taking up space?

Do you want to add some height and dimension to your home décor? Then it is time to train your plants to climb!

Not only does it create a visually stunning display, but it also helps keep your plant healthy and thriving.

In this blog post, we’ll show you simple steps on how to train indoor plant to climb upwards.

Get ready for some greenery that will elevate any room in your home!

How to Train Indoor Plants to Climb

Training your indoor climbers to climb is a super simple process that anyone can do.

There are basically many simple ways to train your plants to climb. Let’s look at each of them.

The first and foremost thing to help any plant climb is to provide some sort of support system that the stem of the plant can literally rely on.

i) Using Plant Clips

Stick several plant hooks or sticky wall hooks on the wall. You can use transparent ones for better aesthetics. Now place the stems of the plant in the hook.

It is the easiest and the most feasible option out of everything in this list.

ii) Using Wood Pole

Insert a bamboo or a wooden pole in your pot and gently wrap the stems of the plant around the pole. You can also use twigs to hold the stems in place if needed. As the plant starts to grow it will eventually grow around the pole having it as a support mechanism.

If you insert a pole in the pot of your plant. Sometimes it will start to climb over the poles naturally without you having to provide any kind of support.

But other times it might need some sort of an encouragement or support to grow and learn to climb over the poles. In such cases, gently tie the stems of the plants to the poles

iii) Using moss pole

You can also use moss poles to help your climbers. Just like the wood pole, the moss pole can also be placed inside the pot. But you will need a bigger pot depending on the size of your moss pole.

Pin the stems of the plant to the moss pole using a ‘U’ shaped pin or a bendable thin metal wire.

iv) Using yarn and push pin

Wrap the yarn over the stem of the plant at various places depending on the length of the plant and tie several knots. Now push the pin into the knots and stick them to the wall.

This method is not possible if you have a wall made of mortar and concrete.


Growing an indoor plant can be a fun and rewarding experience for anyone.

With the right guidance, you can easily train your indoor plants to climb up or even hang down from baskets or shelves.

This allows you to create unique displays while adding some life to any room in your home.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to have a thriving vertical garden that will add beauty and charm wherever it goes!

The post Grow Upwards! How to Train Indoor Plant to Climb in 4 Simple Ways appeared first on caregroomlove.

Reduce Noise Pollution: The Best 6 Sound Absorbing Plants for Indoors Fri, 19 Feb 2021 17:57:52 +0000 Are you tired of the constant noise pollution in your home or office? Do you find yourself struggling to concentrate due to distracting sounds around you? Well, fear not! The solution may be simpler than you think. Adding sound-absorbing plants to your space can significantly reduce unwanted background noise while adding a touch of greenery […]

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Are you tired of the constant noise pollution in your home or office? Do you find yourself struggling to concentrate due to distracting sounds around you? Well, fear not!

The solution may be simpler than you think. Adding sound-absorbing plants to your space can significantly reduce unwanted background noise while adding a touch of greenery and natural beauty to your surroundings.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to the top six sound absorbing plants that are easy to care for and will transform your environment into a more peaceful and productive space.

If you’re looking for ways to reduce noise pollution in your home or office, one option is to add sound-absorbing plants.

These types of plants can help to create a more peaceful and quiet environment, and they have a number of other benefits as well.

Here are some of the top sound-absorbing plants for your space:

Weeping Fig

It has large spread leaves, and they are native to the regions of southeast Asia and India. Not just the leaves but also the arching branches of the plant helps in absorbing the sound to a greater extent.

They are also good at cleaning the environment. They need an adequate dosage of lighting during the day. Don’t overwater the plant and make sure the pot is well drained.

Place the plant under direct sunlight for half an hour or one hour a day. The soil just staying moist is enough. This plant is a heavy feeder and needs a moderate fertilizer dosage for better growth.

Peace Lillies

If you’re looking for a plant that does double duty by reducing noise pollution and adding some beauty to your space, the peace lily is a great option.

This tropical plant is known for its white flowers, which bloom throughout the year. But the peace lily also does an excellent job of absorbing sound, making it an ideal choice for reducing noise pollution in your home or office.

The bright leaves are great are absorbing the sound and vibrations keeping the environment noise free.

The peace lily is a relatively low-maintenance plant, which is another bonus if you’re looking to reduce noise pollution without spending a lot of time and effort on upkeep.

They don’t require too much sunlight or water requirements and they don’t need a lot of fertilizers as well. Fertilizing once a year is more than enough.

With proper care, your peace lily can thrive for many years, providing both beauty and noise reduction benefits for your space.

Rubber plant

They are the thickest elasticas and they grow in a large size. They can absorb mid to high-range frequencies.

They can reduce noise to an extent. They have shiny emerald-green leaves. They can grow over 3 feet tall and can easily absorb and block sound waves.

Though in their natural environment, they are capable of growing up to 80 feet tall trees. But indoors they are easy to maintain and require very little water. Using fertilizer twice a year is sufficient

If you are looking for a sound absorbing plant that is both stylish and effective, the rubber plant is a great option. Native to Africa, the rubber plant is a large evergreen with glossy, dark green leaves.

The thick leaves of the rubber plant help to absorb sound waves, making it an effective natural noise reducer.

English Ivy

If you’re looking for a fast-growing, easy-to-care-for option that will quickly fill in an empty wall or bare corner, look no further than English ivy (Hedera helix).

This classic evergreen climber is known for its glossy green leaves and its ability to tolerate a wide range of growing conditions.

English ivy is a vigorous grower and can reach up to 50 feet in length if left unchecked. However, it can easily be controlled by trimming it back as needed.

It’s also relatively drought tolerant, making it a good choice for low-maintenance gardens.

In terms of sound absorption, English ivy has been shown to be effective at reducing noise levels by up to 10 decibels.

So if you live in a noisy area or simply want to create a more peaceful indoor environment, this is a plant worth considering.

Boston Fern

Boston ferns are one of the most popular houseplants and for good reason. They’re easy to care for, thrive in humid environments, and are known for their ability to improve air quality.

But did you know that Boston ferns can also help reduce noise pollution?

That’s right, Boston ferns are excellent at absorbing sound waves, making them ideal for spaces where noise levels are high.

Whether you live in a busy city or simply have a lot of traffic noise coming into your home, placing a few Boston ferns around the room can help create a more peaceful environment.

So if you’re looking for a way to reduce noise pollution in your home or office, consider adding some Boston ferns to your space!

Norfolk island pine

They are the Christmas plants that you find everywhere during the Christmas season. It is not an indoor plant but a tree, it can grow up to 100 feet in its natural environment.

They still grow indoors as well but the rate of growth is extremely low. You can transplant them if they grow bigger. they need a little sunlight and a misting to grow.

Money tree

They have bushy leaves that trap sound and have better noise absorption. They need filtered white light and cannot survive direct sunlight.

Don’t overwater them and let the soil dry up before watering them.

Fiddle leaf fig

These plants require highly humid areas and are best suited to be placed in bathrooms and other wet and humid areas. They grow bigger and their huge and wide leaves are great at absorbing the sounds better.


Reducing noise pollution can be a challenge, but with the help of sound absorbing plants, you can create a peaceful oasis in any space.

Whether it’s in your home or office, these plants will make sure that all unwanted background noise is effectively dampened.

We hope this article has helped you find the perfect sound absorbers for your own environment!

The post Reduce Noise Pollution: The Best 6 Sound Absorbing Plants for Indoors appeared first on caregroomlove.

The Ultimate Guide on How to Grow Spinach Indoors Without Seeds Wed, 03 Feb 2021 17:37:33 +0000 Are you tired of waiting for the perfect time to plant spinach seeds in your backyard garden? Or perhaps you don’t have a garden at all. No need to worry! With this ultimate guide, we’ll show you how to grow spinach indoors without seeds. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, this post […]

The post The Ultimate Guide on How to Grow Spinach Indoors Without Seeds appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you tired of waiting for the perfect time to plant spinach seeds in your backyard garden? Or perhaps you don’t have a garden at all. No need to worry!

With this ultimate guide, we’ll show you how to grow spinach indoors without seeds.

Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, this post has something for everyone. Get ready to become a master indoor spinach grower!

Growing spinach indoors without seeds may seem like a daunting task, but it is actually quite simple. All you need is a pot, some soil, and a little bit of patience.

Spinach is a cool-weather crop, so it can be started indoors in late winter or early spring. If you live in a warm climate, you can also start it in the fall.

What You Need for an Indoor Spinach Growing Setup

In order to grow spinach indoors without seeds, you will need the following:

Once you have gathered all of the necessary materials, you can begin setting up your indoor spinach growing setup.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Grow Spinach Indoors Without Seeds

Step 1 – To get started, you’ll need a pot or container that is at least 6 inches deep and has drainage holes.

Step 2 – Fill your pot with a high-quality potting mix and water it well. Choose quality potting soil. A good potting mix will provide the nutrients your plants need to thrive indoors.

Step 3 – Take a spinach plant with roots in it (you can buy some from the market ).

Step 4 Cut the top portion of a bunch of spinach and now sow just the root part of them in the soil

Step 5 – Water the soil make sure the soil has a facility for water drainage. Keep the plant near sunlight not direct but indirect sunlight.

Step 6 – Provide it with the required water that keeps the soil moist and add fertilizers once a week.

Step 7After 10 to 20 days you will get amazingly leaves flourishing out of it

Spinach does best in deep, well-draining pots or planters. If you’re using plastic pots, be sure to punch holes in the bottom for drainage.

You’ll also need to provide adequate ventilation for your plants by placing them near an open window

Harvesting Spinach

Now that your plant is settled in, it’s time to start harvesting!

Spinach is ready to harvest when the leaves are big enough to eat. You can begin harvesting the leaves by cutting them off at the base of the plant.

Be sure to leave at least 2 inches of growth so that the plant can continue to produce new leaves.

Cut the leaves off at the base of the plant, being careful not to damage the stem.

Enjoy your fresh, homegrown spinach leaves raw in salads or cooked in your favorite recipes!

Troubleshooting Common Problems When Growing Spinach Indoors

If you’re having trouble growing spinach indoors, don’t worry you’re not alone. Many people have difficulty getting their spinach keeping it alive once it’s grown.

But with a little troubleshooting, you can overcome these common problems and enjoy a bountiful crop of indoor spinach.

i) Insufficient light

Once your spinach plants have grown, another common problem is that they quickly become leggy and weak. This is usually due to insufficient light.

If your plants are not getting enough light, they will grow tall and spindly in an attempt to reach the light source.

To avoid this problem, make sure to give your plants plenty of bright light at least 6 hours per day if possible. If you can’t provide this much natural light, consider using grow lights instead.

ii) Poor Drainage

Poor drainage is another common problem when growing spinach indoors. If your soil is staying too wet, the roots may start to rot and the plants will suffer.

To prevent this, make sure you’re using a well-draining soil mix and don’t overwater your plants.

iii) Malnutrition

Finally, a lack of adequate nutrients can also cause problems with your indoor spinach crop.

Spinach needs plenty of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to thrive, so be sure to use a high-quality fertilizer on your plants every few weeks.

By troubleshooting any problems that arise and taking good care of your plants, you should be able to grow a healthy crop of indoor spinach with ease!

Tips for Maximizing Your Results When Growing Spinach Indoors

Here are a few tips for maximizing your results when growing spinach indoors:

  • Use a high-quality potting mix: A high-quality potting mix will provide your spinach plants with the nutrients they need to thrive. Be sure to choose a potting mix that is specifically designed for indoor plants.
  • Choose the right container: The size and type of container you use can impact the growth of your spinach plants. For best results, choose a deep container that has drainage holes.
  • Water regularly: Spinach plants need to be kept moist, but not waterlogged. Water your plants regularly, but allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering sessions.
  • Fertilize regularly: A regular fertilization schedule will help to ensure that your spinach plants have the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. Choose a fertilizer that is specifically designed for leafy greens and follow the directions on the package for best results.
  • Harvest regularly: Regular harvesting will encourage your spinach plants to produce more leaves. When harvesting, be sure to only remove the outermost leaves from each plant so that it can continue to grow and produce more leaves


Growing spinach indoors without seeds is a great way to save money and time while still enjoying the delicious nutrition of this powerhouse green.

With the help of our ultimate guide, you can now easily grow spinach in your own home with minimal effort.

Whether you are trying out hydroponic methods or using soil-less mediums, growing spinach indoors yields benefits that far outweigh any extra cost or energy put into it.

So go ahead and get started on your indoor greens project today!

The post The Ultimate Guide on How to Grow Spinach Indoors Without Seeds appeared first on caregroomlove.

Boost Indoor Air Quality: 12 Best Indoor Plants that Absorb Humidity Fri, 22 Jan 2021 17:17:05 +0000 Do you ever feel like the air in your home is thick and stale? Or maybe you struggle with mold growth and excess moisture in certain areas of your house. The solution to these problems may be as simple as adding some greenery to your living space. Not only do plants add life and beauty […]

The post Boost Indoor Air Quality: 12 Best Indoor Plants that Absorb Humidity appeared first on caregroomlove.

Do you ever feel like the air in your home is thick and stale? Or maybe you struggle with mold growth and excess moisture in certain areas of your house.

The solution to these problems may be as simple as adding some greenery to your living space.

Not only do plants add life and beauty to a room, but certain types can also act as natural dehumidifiers, helping to purify the air and regulate humidity levels.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to eight indoor plants that absorb humidity and will help you breathe easy at home while also bringing a touch of nature indoors.

Though it is essential to have moisture in your environment, having too much of it can make the environment easy for fungal growth, mildew, and other diseases.

If you live in a moist and humid environment, then it is quite common for you to use a dehumidifier but how about using a natural dehumidifier that can absorb too much moisture and humidity in your surroundings?

Here is a list of 8 best natural dehumidifiers

1. Peace Lilly

The peace lily is a tropical plant that originates from Central and South America. It gets its name from its white, lily-like flowers that bloom throughout the year.

They are good adapters for humid conditions and don’t require frequent watering. They are also one of the best sound absorbing plants indoors.

It is a tropical plant and is one of the best indoor plants to grow. It is good at absorbing moisture through its leaves. Because of its bright white flowers, it is also used for decorative purposes.

Though it absorbs humidity, during summers it is essential to water them enough. Leaves turning brown is a sign of the plant’s craving for water.

peace lily

The flowers are beautiful, but they’re also very fragrant, so if you’re sensitive to strong smells, you might want to choose another plant for your dehumidifying needs.

The peace lily is not only good at reducing humidity levels in your home, but it’s also great at purifying the air.

According to a study published in the research gate, the peace lily was found to be effective at removing common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air, including formaldehyde and benzene.

If you’re looking for an attractive way to improve the air quality in your home and reduce humidity levels at the same time, the peace lily is a great option.

2. Dracaena

Dracaena is a type of indoor plant that can help to naturally dehumidify your home.

These plants are known for their ability to absorb excess moisture from the air, which can help to keep your home feeling comfortable and dry.


Dracaena plants are easy to care for and can thrive in most indoor environments.

When choosing a dracaena plant for your home, be sure to select one that is appropriate for the size and humidity level of your space.

3. Snake plant

If you’re looking for an indoor plant that can help to purify the air and act as a natural dehumidifier, then a snake plant is a great option.

snake plant

Snake plants are known for their ability to absorb toxins and pollutants from the air, making them ideal for use in homes or office spaces.

Additionally, snake plants can help to regulate humidity levels, making them ideal for use in areas with high humidity.

4. Chinese Evergreen

Native to tropical regions of Asia, the Chinese evergreen is tolerant of high humidity and can actually help to reduce the amount of moisture in the air.

chinese evergreen

This common houseplant is known for its ability to thrive in low-light conditions, making it a great option for rooms that don’t get a lot of natural sunlight.

So if you’re looking for a plant that will not only survive in your dimly lit living room but also help to keep your home feeling comfortably dry, the Chinese evergreen is a great choice.

5. Boston Ferns

They love moist, shady environments without much sunlight.

But it does require some amount of filtered indirect lighting every day for certain hours. They can be hung on pots and are also good sound absorbers.

If you’re looking for an indoor plant that can help to purify the air and reduce humidity, the Boston Fern is a great option.

boston ferns

This type of fern is known for its ability to thrive in humid environments, making it ideal for use in bathrooms and kitchens.

Be sure to keep an eye on the leaves of your plant and remove any that begin to turn brown or yellow. This might indicate a lack of required water.

6. Mint

This is one of the easy-to-grow plants that can adapt itself to a wide range of watering and lighting conditions.

They absorb a good amount of moisture in their surroundings and also make the area feel aromatically good.

7. Bamboo palms

Bamboo Palm is an excellent indoor plant for natural dehumidification. It is a member of the palm family and is native to tropical regions of Africa and Asia.

Palsm in general are good at absorbing moisture. Especially the areca and bamboo palms do a really good job and are comfortable enough to be placed indoors.

bamboo palms

In natural conditions, bamboo palms can grow to a height of 3 feet, but indoors their height is controlled. They love humid and shady areas.

The plant has long, slender leaves and is known for its ability to tolerate low light conditions and can even prosper in rooms with little or no natural light.

These plants also have a high tolerance for humidity, making them ideal for homes in humid climates.

8. Spider plant

These plants are also known as ribbon plants. With its long leaves, it can easily absorb the humidity from the air.

It not just absorbs the moisture in your surroundings but also helps in purifying the air in your environment, especially formaldehyde.

It has long and thin leaves with a bright green and white or yellow mix.

spider plant

They thrive well on indirect sunlight and can grow well without much watering since it absorbs the humidity and uses it for their growth.

They are able to absorb up to 10 times their weight in water, making them extremely effective at reducing indoor humidity levels.

Spider plants are also very easy to care for, and can thrive in a wide range of indoor environments.

9. Orchids

Unlike other plants in the list that absorb their nutrients from the soil, the orchids usually get their nutrients from the surrounding air.

So, naturally, they are good at absorbing the humidity around them.

10. Tillandsia

This plant absorbs the moisture and water in the environment to hydrate itself.


Out of everything on the list, this plant is the one with the greatest dehumidification capacity.

It also requires some fertilization to supply it with the required nutrients.

11. Calathea

They naturally need a humid environment to thrive. They can survive in low light conditions and without much watering.


Their leaves are attractive and colorful with amazing patterns over.

12. English Ivy

They are cute climbers and are usually hanged on houses in pots.

english ivy

The plant is native to the European Atlantic coast which is usually humid.

Since they naturally require a humid condition to thrive, they can be placed in humid places like bathrooms, kitchens, etc..,


Indoor plants are a great way to improve the air quality in your home and act as natural dehumidifiers. Not only do they look beautiful, but they help you breathe easier at home.

From easy-to-maintain ferns and ivy to more exotic varieties like Chinese evergreen or snake plants, there is an indoor plant out there that will suit your needs perfectly.

Whether you’re looking for an attractive addition to brighten up your living space or want to maintain healthier levels of humidity indoors, these natural dehumidifiers are sure to give you the results you desire.

The post Boost Indoor Air Quality: 12 Best Indoor Plants that Absorb Humidity appeared first on caregroomlove.

The Top 13 Best Indoor Climbing Plants to Add Some Greenery to Your Space Tue, 05 Jan 2021 17:54:06 +0000 Looking to add some greenery to your indoor space? Look no further than indoor climbing plants! These versatile and beautiful plants not only purify the air but also add a touch of natural elegance to any room. In this post, we’ve compiled a list of the top 13 best indoor climbing plants that are sure […]

The post The Top 13 Best Indoor Climbing Plants to Add Some Greenery to Your Space appeared first on caregroomlove.

Looking to add some greenery to your indoor space? Look no further than indoor climbing plants!

These versatile and beautiful plants not only purify the air but also add a touch of natural elegance to any room.

In this post, we’ve compiled a list of the top 13 best indoor climbing plants that are sure to elevate your decor game.

So grab your watering can and let’s get started on bringing some lush foliage into your home!

1. Boston Ivy

When it comes to indoor climbing plants, Boston ivy is one of the best.

This fast-growing vine can reach up to 30 feet in length, making it perfect for covering bare walls or hiding unsightly objects.

While Boston ivy prefers full sun, it will also do well in partial shade.

Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and fertilize monthly during the growing season.

2. Chinese Money Plant

Also known as the money plant or pancake plant,

The round, flat leaves grow on thin stalks that arise from a central point and radiate outward like spokes on a wheel.

The money plant gets its name from its coin-shaped leaves, which are said to bring good luck and fortune.

The Chinese money plant is easy to care for and can prosper in both bright light and low light conditions.

It is an ideal indoor plant for those who want to add some greenery to their space without having to put in too much effort.

3. Chinese Wisteria Vine

The Chinese wisteria vine is a beautiful and fast-growing plant that can add some greenery to your space.

This climbing plant is easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of conditions.

It is important to note that the Chinese wisteria vine is considered to be an invasive species in some parts of the world.

If you are thinking about adding this plant to your home, make sure to research the laws in your area before doing so.

4. English Ivy

If you’re looking for an indoor climbing plant that is both beautiful and easy to care for, look no further than English ivy.

This fast-growing vine is perfect for covering bare walls or creating a green backdrop for your furniture.

English ivy is also a great choice for those with allergies, as it is non-toxic and produces very little pollen.

They are one of the best indoor plants to grow with the capacity to absorb sound and naturally dehumidify your surroundings.

They have evergreen foliage that remains green throughout the year. Just like the other plants in this list, they also need bright indirect lighting.

5. Hoya Carnosa

If you’re looking for an indoor climbing plant that’s both beautiful and easy to care for, look no further than the Hoya carnosa.

Also known as wax plant or porcelain flower, this vining plant is native to Southeast Asia and Australia.

The Hoya carnosa is a fast-growing plant that can reach up to 10 feet in length if given enough support. its leaves are thick and fleshy, with a glossy green surface and deep purple underside.

The flowers of the Hoya carnosa are small and white, but they grow in clusters which gives the plant a very full and attractive appearance.

The Hoya carnosa is a low-maintenance plant that does well in most indoor environments. It prefers bright, indirect sunlight but can also tolerate lower light levels.

Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and fertilize monthly during the growing season. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again.

When grown indoors, the Hoya carnosa rarely needs to be pruned. If you do need to trim it back, do so after flowering has finished for the season.

6. Japanese Creeping Fig

Japanese Creeping Fig is a fast-growing, vining plant that is perfect for indoor spaces.

It features small, dark green leaves and can grow up to 20 feet in length.

This plant is easy to care for and does well in bright, indirect light. Japanese Creeping Fig is also known as Miniature Ficus or Creeping Ficus.

They are slow-growing creepers with dense foliage. They look enchanting and can climb any surface with ease.

7. Pothos

Pothos, also known as the devil’s ivy, is one of the most popular houseplants around and for a good reason: it’s practically indestructible.

Pothos is a trailing plant, meaning it will spill over the sides of its pot and can grow up to 10 feet long.

It does best in bright, indirect light but can tolerate low-light conditions. Water when the top inch of soil is dry.

Pothos is a great plant for beginners because it is so easy to care for.

It’s also a great choice if you have pets or children who may accidentally knock over your plants.

8. Star Jasmine

Star jasmine is an evergreen climber with glossy, dark green leaves and white, star-shaped flowers which bloom in late spring and early summer.

A fast-growing plant, it can reach up to 20 feet in height and spread 10 feet wide. Star jasmine is drought tolerant and does best in full sun to partial shade.

It is also relatively low maintenance, requiring little pruning or training once it is established.

9. Sweetheart Vine

If you’re looking for an indoor climbing plant that is both beautiful and easy to care for, the sweetheart vine is a great option.

This fast-growing plant can reach up to 10 feet in length, making it a perfect choice for covering bare walls or ceilings.

The heart-shaped leaves of the sweetheart vine are a deep green color, and the plant produces small white flowers in the springtime.

While the sweetheart vine prefers bright indirect sunlight, it can also tolerate lower light levels. When watering your sweetheart vine, be sure to allow the soil to dry out completely between watering sessions.

10. Rex Begonia vine

Its leaves look so camouflaged with all the veins colored in bright green and the rest of the leave covered in white.

The back of the leaves has a shade of maroon. It is a beautiful and decorative plant to have in your household.

They don’t love direct sunlight. They grow well in a bright spot with good indirect lighting.

11. Inch Plant

They are easy-to-grow plants that can be grown in water without soil.

They need indirect sunlight for almost the entire day to thrive well.

12. Variegated Monstera Deliciosa

If you’re looking for an indoor climbing plant that will add some greenery to your space, the Variegated Monstera Deliciosa is a great option.

This plant is native to Mexico and can grow up to 30 feet tall, making it a perfect choice for adding some vertical interest to your home.

The leaves of this plant are variegated with white and green stripes, and the plant produces small white flowers that turn into edible fruit.

The Variegated Monstera Deliciosa is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to care for, and it thrives in bright, indirect light.

They are the easiest plants to propagate in this list and the ones that look stunning with their leaves resembling that of a Swiss cheese with oval holes all over them.

They require a warm and well-lit spot.

Placing a cutting of this plant in a clean glass of water will help it grow without much effort.

13. Arrowhead vine

The name is derived from its arrow-shaped leaves that have patches and camouflage shades of pink, gray, white, and green.

They are easy to propagate and are tolerant enough to low light conditions.

we hope this detailed list of best indoor climbers helped you get some amazing ideas on what to place on your home.

The post The Top 13 Best Indoor Climbing Plants to Add Some Greenery to Your Space appeared first on caregroomlove.

How to Grow Ajwain At Home – A Quick and Easy Guide for Beginners Wed, 23 Dec 2020 05:45:50 +0000 Are you tired of buying expensive herbs from the grocery store? Do you want to add a unique flavor to your dishes without breaking the bank? Look no further than Ajwain! This versatile herb, also known as carom seeds, is easy to grow at home and can elevate any dish with its distinct aroma and […]

The post How to Grow Ajwain At Home – A Quick and Easy Guide for Beginners appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you tired of buying expensive herbs from the grocery store? Do you want to add a unique flavor to your dishes without breaking the bank? Look no further than Ajwain!

This versatile herb, also known as carom seeds, is easy to grow at home and can elevate any dish with its distinct aroma and taste.

In this quick guide for beginners, we’ll show you just how to grow ajwain at home.

Get ready to impress your friends and family with a new herb!

Growing Conditions

Ajwain, also known as carom seeds is native to India and Pakistan and has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine.

The seeds are used as a spice and have a strong, pungent flavor.

Ajwain prefers a hot climate and grows best in full sun. But it can also be grown indoors or in any climatic conditions provided you take proper care of it.

It can be grown in partial shade, and if the plant shows signs of not enough lighting then you can use grow lights to promote their growth.

The soil should be well-drained and sandy loam is ideal. Ajwain does not tolerate wet feet, so make sure the planting site has good drainage.

Preparing the Soil

When it comes to planting ajwain, preparing the soil is essential for ensuring that your plants grow healthy.

Luckily, preparing the soil for planting ajwain is relatively easy and can be done with just a few simple steps.

  • Garden soil – Ajwain doesn’t require too much care or custom-tailored soil requirements. It grows well in the normal gardening soil or the potting mix that you get from stores. Don’t use any random soil and make some effort to buy a good potting mix for your ajwain.
  • Well-drained – Make sure that the soil you’re using is well-draining. Ajwain does not like to have its roots sitting in waterlogged soil, so well-drained soil is necessary to prevent root rot. If your soil is heavy and clay-like, you may need to amend it with some sand or organic matter to improve drainage.
  • Organic Matter – Add some organic matter to your soil. This can be in the form of compost, manure, or even just some fallen leaves from your yard. Adding organic matter helps to improve the overall quality of the soil and provides nutrients that ajwain plants need to grow.

Now our soil is ready let us proceed to the next step.

Choosing the Right Seeds

If you want to grow ajwain at home, it is important to choose the right seeds.

There are two types of ajwain seeds – black and white. Black ajwain seeds are more commonly used in cooking, while white ajwain seeds are used for medicinal purposes.

Both have the same steps for growing, so no matter which seed you choose you can follow this guide for both of them.

Seeds don’t require any special treatment, the seeds you buy from the grocery store can be pretty much used without any pre-preparation steps like soaking or drying.

After buying the seeds it is important to store them properly. Store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Let’s proceed with the planting process

Planting Ajwain

Ajwain is a hardy plant that can tolerate some neglect, so it’s perfect for busy gardeners or those new to gardening. Here is a step by step instructions on how to grow it

  • Take the Ajwain seeds and some well-draining potting/gardening soil.
  • In a plastic tray add a good amount of gardening soil do not fill the tray to the edge, leave about an inch or two of space from the top of the tray.
  • Spray water to the soil and keep it moist. Sprinkle the ajwain seeds all over the soil. Cover it with a layer of gardening soil over the seeds.
  • Sprinkle a little more water gently on the newly added layer of soil. Now keep the tray in a shady area till the seeds start to germinate.
  • In about a week, the seeds will germinate. Now move the plant to an area with warm and indirect lighting like a window or other similar places.
  • Ajwain requires regular watering but be careful not to overwater. When the soil becomes dry, sprinkle water to good enough to make the soil moist.
  • The water should penetrate the bottom layer of the soil to provide the roots with the necessary water.
  • Ajwain is susceptible to powdery mildew, so water early in the day so that the leaves have time to dry before nightfall.
  • You can fertilize monthly with a balanced organic or natural fertilizer during the growing season when new plants emerge.

In a month or two you will notice beautiful, luscious green plants bushing out with white flowers and a bunch of ajwain seeds in their heads. Now it is time to harvest the plant.

Harvesting Process

Ajwain is an annual herb, so it will die back in winter and regrow in spring.

To harvest the seeds, cut the flower heads off the plant when they turn brown and dry.

Place the heads in a paper bag and let them dry completely.

Then, rub the heads gently between your hands to release the seeds.

Store the seeds in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Common Problems and Solutions

Here are some of the most common problems and solutions for growing Ajwain:

i) Not enough light

Ajwain needs at least 6 hours of warm indirect lighting per day, so make sure it’s getting plenty of light. If it’s not, try moving it to a sunnier spot.

ii) Not enough water

Ajwain needs to be kept moist at all times, so make sure you’re watering it regularly. If the soil is allowed to dry out, the plant will wilt and eventually die.

iii) Overwatering

Don’t let the plant sit in water make sure the drainage is good and that the plant isn’t sitting in a puddle of water. too much water can cause root rot, which will kill the plant.


Growing Ajwain at home doesn’t have to be complicated if you take the time and effort to learn the basics.

Ajwain is a wonderful herb that can add flavor and nutrients to your dishes, so it’s worth taking some extra time to familiarize yourself with its cultivation requirements.

With our step-by-step guide, we hope you can confidently start growing this amazing herb in your garden or on your windowsill!

The post How to Grow Ajwain At Home – A Quick and Easy Guide for Beginners appeared first on caregroomlove.

How to Grow Microgreens Without Soil in 8 Easy Steps Fri, 04 Dec 2020 04:36:12 +0000 Are you looking for a quick and easy way to add some fresh greens to your diet? Look no further than microgreens! These tiny plants pack a big punch of nutrition and flavor, and the best part is, you can grow them right in your own home without any soil. In this post, we’ll show […]

The post How to Grow Microgreens Without Soil in 8 Easy Steps appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to add some fresh greens to your diet? Look no further than microgreens!

These tiny plants pack a big punch of nutrition and flavor, and the best part is, you can grow them right in your own home without any soil.

In this post, we’ll show you everything you need to know about how to grow microgreens without soil

Get ready to become a microgreen master in no time!

Tools Required

  • Tissues – It is the tissues that are going to hold the root of the microgreens instead of the soil. So you require about 5 – 6 tissues.
  • Plastic tray or container with holes – A plastic tray (not a hard and strong plastic) the regular ones you get for food take away, the ones the salads are stored in at the grocery store works the best. Make sure the tray has a good number of holes under it for good drainage of water.
  • Seeds – You will of course need the seeds of the microgreens that you want to grow.
  • Water – Another inevitable item is water.

How to grow microgreens without soil

Step 1 – Take several folds of tissues and place them in a plastic rectangular tray.

Step 2 – Now spray water all over the tissues and ensure they are wet and moist but not soggy. Sprinkle any seeds that you want to grow all over the tissue.

Step 3 – Now spread the seeds evenly all over the tissues to avoid clumping up the seeds at one particular spot.

Step 4 – Now spray water like a mist over the seeds.

Step 5 – After this place the tray in a completely shady area without exposing the tray to sunlight. During the germination phase, the microgreens don’t need sunlight. The germination phase can last from 3 – 5 days depending on the type of seeds you used.

Step 6 – During this interval watering is essential. But watering during the germination phase is quite different. Add some water to a plate and keep the plastic tray with holes on it on top of this plate with water.

The water will get into the tray through the holes in the tray and the tissue will absorb the water. So it absolutely necessary for the plastic tray to have drain holes to let the excess water out of it.

Step 7 – Use filtered water and not tap water for these plants. After the seeds have germinated keep the tray in mild indirect sunlight.

Step 8 – After the seeds have germinated, you can start watering them by spraying water on the tissues and not just on the leaves.

Since there is no soil involved in the entire process, these microgreens don’t require fertilization and are not prone to the attack of pests.

Once the leaves are dense they are ready to harvest. This entire process will take anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks (depending on the seeds)


Growing microgreens without soil indoors can be a great way to get fresh, nutritious greens into your diet easily and with minimal effort.

With the right materials and knowledge, you can start growing your own microgreens in no time!

From selecting the right containers to understanding the importance of light and water, this guide has provided you with all the information needed to successfully grow microgreens at home.

Start experimenting with different types of seeds today – you may just find yourself hooked on growing these miniature versions of vegetables!

The post How to Grow Microgreens Without Soil in 8 Easy Steps appeared first on caregroomlove.

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How to Grow Adenium From Seeds in 5 Easy Steps Fri, 06 Nov 2020 16:45:38 +0000 Are you a plant lover looking to add a touch of exotic beauty to your indoor or outdoor space? Look no further than the stunning adenium! With its vibrant colors and unique shape, this desert rose is sure to catch the eye. But how do you bring this striking plant to life from seeds? In […]

The post How to Grow Adenium From Seeds in 5 Easy Steps appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you a plant lover looking to add a touch of exotic beauty to your indoor or outdoor space? Look no further than the stunning adenium!

With its vibrant colors and unique shape, this desert rose is sure to catch the eye.

But how do you bring this striking plant to life from seeds?

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about how to grow adenium from seeds, where to find them, and more.

Get ready for your green thumb journey with our comprehensive guide!

They are called desert rose and are excellent drought tolerant plants. It is a succulent plant and it stores a lot of water in its stem.

One of the most distinctive features of adenium is its swollen trunk base, which stores water for times of drought.

The leaves are green and glossy with thick stems, while the flowers bloom in clusters from spring through fall. Adenium comes in various colors such as pink, red, white and yellow.

Where to find adenium seeds?

Adenium seeds can be found in several places, including online stores and nurseries.

One of the best ways to find high-quality adenium seeds is by searching for reputable sellers on gardening forums. These forums often have discussions about different types of adenium plants and the best places to purchase their seeds.

Online marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay also offer a wide range of adenium seed options, but it’s important to read reviews carefully before making a purchase.

Some vendors may not provide genuine or viable seeds, so it’s essential to do some research beforehand.

Another option is visiting local nurseries that specialize in exotic or rare plants. They may carry Adenium seeds, especially during the growing season when the demand for them increases.

mature adenium seeds

How to grow adenium from seeds

Planting adenium seeds is an exciting process that can be done in a few simple steps.

Before you begin, make sure to have all the necessary equipment ready. You will need a pot or container with drainage holes, well-draining soil mix, and of course, your adenium seeds.

adenium plant

Step 1 – The adenium seeds in general are easy to prone to fungal attack. As soon as you get those seeds, spray in some anti-fungal powder to prevent it from fungal attack.

Step 2 – Plant the seeds in your soil mix and give the seeds enough space to grow without crowding everything in one spot.

Step 3 – Water the seeds once every two days during the germination phase.

Step 4 – In about two to three weeks, you can find new leaves and baby plants coming out of the soil.

Step 5 – When the plant starts to produce seed pods, wrap the seed pods with a twig. The dispersion process of adenium seeds is through the air. The pods burst open spreading the seeds in the air.

If you want to get more seeds, it is necessary to secure your seed pods once you find them mature.

To harvest the seeds from the pods, gently separate the seeds by removing the outer fluffy hairy wing.

How to take care of adenium plants

i) Soil

Since it is a succulent plant it prefers sandy textured soil. The optimal soil mix is 80% sand mixed with 20% of potting/gardening soil.

ii) Watering

Adeniums in general needs watering twice a week. Make sure the pot is well drained for the excess water to drain off the soil.

iii) Lighting

Since it is a drought plant it needs a good amount of sunlight to flower and for its better growth. A good level of humidity also supports the plant’s growth. It needs at least 6 hrs of sunlight, you can use bright grow lights if you are planting it indoors.

iv) Fertilizers

Use organic fertilizers like vermicompost and other natural ones to boost the plant’s growth and keep the pests at bay. Fertilizing the plant once a month is sufficient and it is not required to fertilize the plant during the dormant seasons.

v) Pests

The best solution to control pests without spending much on synthetic chemical pesticides is to use neem oil. Use it only if you find pests and other insects on your plant.

Mix a tablespoon of neem oil in a liter of water and give your plant a gentle spray all over. The neem will keep the pests at bay and doesn’t harm the plant in any way.


Growing adenium from seeds can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for any plant enthusiast. It may take some patience and effort, but the results are worth it.

By following these tips on how to grow adenium from seeds, anyone can successfully cultivate a beautiful desert rose at home.

With proper care and attention, your seedlings will flourish into stunning plants that will bring joy for years to come!

The post How to Grow Adenium From Seeds in 5 Easy Steps appeared first on caregroomlove.

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