Plant care – caregroomlove Sun, 26 May 2024 19:24:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Water Lavender: Everything You Need to Know Sat, 25 Sep 2021 18:56:32 +0000 Lavender is a plant that’s loved by many for its beautiful appearance, soothing fragrance, and various therapeutic benefits. But when it comes to watering this lovely herb, things can get a little tricky. Too much water can cause the roots to rot, while too little water can lead to wilting and stunted growth. That’s why […]

The post How to Water Lavender: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on caregroomlove.

Lavender is a plant that’s loved by many for its beautiful appearance, soothing fragrance, and various therapeutic benefits.

But when it comes to watering this lovely herb, things can get a little tricky. Too much water can cause the roots to rot, while too little water can lead to wilting and stunted growth.

That’s why we’ve put together an ultimate guide on how to water lavender – your go-to resource for keeping your lavender plants healthy and thriving!

From understanding their unique watering needs to learning how often you should water them, this guide has covered you. So grab your gardening gloves, and let’s dive in!

When to water lavender

Watering lavender can be tricky – too much and the roots will rot, too little and the plant will stress, produce less oil and can even get sun burnt.

The best way to know when your lavender needs water is to feel the soil. Stick your finger in the ground about 2 inches – if it’s dry, it’s time to water.

If it’s damp or cool to the touch, wait a few more days.

Overwatering is the most common mistake made with lavender. This often happens when people water their plants on a schedule rather than checking the soil first.

Remember, it’s better to be underwater than overwater! If you’re not sure if you’re watering enough, wait another day or two before watering again.

If your lavender is wilting or looking stressed, give it a deep watering immediately. Water slowly and deeply until water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

How to water lavender

It is important to know how to water lavender properly in order to keep it healthy and thriving. Here are some tips on how to water lavender:

i) Water deeply, but not too frequently.

Watering deeply encourages roots to grow down into the soil, making the plant more drought-tolerant. However, watering too frequently can cause the roots to rot.

ii) Water during day time

It is best to water your lavender in the morning so that the leaves have time to dry before nightfall. This will help prevent fungal diseases from developing on the leaves.

iii) Handle with care

If you use a sprinkler system to water your lavender, ensure the spray is not too forceful. Lavender plants are delicate and can be easily damaged by a strong stream of water.

iv) Use well-drained pots

Usually you need a larger pot and preferrably ceramic ones and not plastic or metal pots. They need a well drain system and coarse soil with perlite and other materials are great for its growth.

v) Water less during winters

There is no fixed watering schedule. But, when the climate is warm (summers, atumn and spring) these plants need to be watered once a week, and during colder seasons (winter and rainy) they can be watered once every two weeks.

Best way to water lavender

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how often to water lavender.

The frequency with which you need to water your plants will depend on a number of factors, including the type of lavender you are growing, the climate in which you live, and the time of year.

However, there are some general guidelines that can help you determine how often to water your lavender plants.

In general, lavender plants need to be watered once a week. However, this may need to be increased during hot, dry weather. (depending on your location and your plant’s water requirement).

If you live in an area with high humidity, you may only need to water your lavender plants every other week.

It is important to check the soil before watering your lavender plants. The best way to do this is to stick your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle. If the soil is dry at this level, it is time to water your plants. If the soil is still moist, you can wait another day or two before watering again.

When watering lavender plants, it is important to use lukewarm water. This will help prevent root rot and ensure that your plants take up as much water as possible.

Water early in the day so that the leaves have time to dry off before nightfall. This will help prevent fungal diseases from developing on your plants.

When watering lavender, be sure to avoid getting water on the leaves of the plant. Water on the leaves can cause fungal diseases that can damage or even kill the plant.

Instead, focus on watering around the base of the plant so that the roots can absorb moisture.

Different methods of watering lavender

There are different methods of watering lavender, and the best method for you depends on your particular plant.

Some lavender species are more drought-tolerant than others, so you may need to water them less often. Here are some different methods of watering lavender:

  • Hand-watering: This is the most common method of watering lavender. To hand-water, simply use a garden hose or watering can to wet the soil around the base of the plant. Be sure not to get the leaves wet, as they can rot if they stay too moist.
  • Drip irrigation: This method slowly drips water onto the soil around the base of the plant. It’s a great way to save water, as you don’t have to worry about over-watering or getting the leaves wet.
  • Soaker hose: A soaker hose is a special type of hose that slowly leaks water along its length. You can run it around the perimeter of your lavender bed, and it will seep water into the soil over time. This is another great way to save water and prevent over-watering.
  • Automatic sprinklers: Automatic sprinklers are a convenient way to water your lavender, but they can be wasteful if not properly calibrated. Make sure your sprinklers aren’t spraying too much water on the leaves, or they could rot.

Common mistakes to avoid when watering lavender

  • Overwatering – Overwatering lavender is one of the most common mistakes people make. Lavender needs well-drained soil and doesn’t like to have its roots wet for long periods of time. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can kill your plant.
  • Not watering the roots – Another common mistake is not watering lavender deeply enough. Lavender needs deep watering about once a week during the growing season. This helps the plant develop a deep root system, which is important for survival during times of drought.
  • Use normal/cool water – Many people don’t realize that lavender likes to be watered with cool or normal water, not hot water. Hot water can shock the roots and damage the plant. So, be sure to use cool water when watering your lavender plants.


In conclusion, knowing how to properly water lavender is essential for ensuring its health and growth.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can provide the ideal moisture balance for your lavender, allowing it to flourish and display its beautiful blooms and aromatic fragrance.

Enjoy the beauty, fragrance, and numerous benefits that lavender brings to your garden, while knowing that you are providing it with the care it deserves

The post How to Water Lavender: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on caregroomlove.

From Watering to Fertilizing: A Comprehensive Guide to Dieffenbachia Care Fri, 03 Sep 2021 16:17:51 +0000 Are you tired of seeing your Dieffenbachia plant wither away despite all the care and attention it receives? Or are you a new plant parent looking for tips to keep your beautiful houseplant thriving? Well, look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through everything you need to know about Dieffenbachia care. […]

The post From Watering to Fertilizing: A Comprehensive Guide to Dieffenbachia Care appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you tired of seeing your Dieffenbachia plant wither away despite all the care and attention it receives?

Or are you a new plant parent looking for tips to keep your beautiful houseplant thriving? Well, look no further!

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through everything you need to know about Dieffenbachia care.

So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let’s dive into the world of Dieffenbachia care together!

Introduction to Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia, otherwise known as Dumb Cane, is a beautiful and popular houseplant that is easy to care for. It has excellent air purification properties.

The sap of this plant is toxic and if the sap gets into your throat it can cause inflamation and swell up the throat and other allergic reactions as well.

If you have children, pets or elderly people then be careful and let them know about the potential issues that the sap of the plant can cause and help them stay away from the sap.

If you might have guessed, the plant is called dumb cane just because of the toxic nature of its sap to affect throat and temporarly make them dumb due to infection.


The leaves are a camoflague of bright green with a tint of yellow and white patches emerging right at the centre of the leaves, the borders are mostly green.

THe leaves are bigger. During the early stages of growth the shades of yellow are going to be much smaller but as the plant grows, the shade also takes up a proptionate amoutn of the leaves.

Having them adds up a brighter, welcoming tone to your interior.


Dieffenbachia prefers bright indirect light but can also tolerate low light conditions. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight as this can scorch the leaves.

If your plant starts to lose its color or variegation, that is a sign that it isn’t getting enough light.

They are adaptable to different lighting reqirements. Just like other tropical plants, it prefers medium, bright and indirect light.

In low ligting the plant still thrives but the size of leaves are going to be a little smaller than what it would be if they were exposed to brighter lights

If only a certain part of the plant is exposed to lighting make sure to rotate the plant to supply all the areas with the required amount of light.


They require a well drained soil, but not so well drained. You still want the roots of the plant to hold up some moisture.

A near to perfect soil composition would be a mix of 60% of coco coir 20% of compost and 20% of perlite, sand or other coarser particles

In a compact soil mix, the roots will suffer for space, water and nutrients absorption. So, it is ideal to have a loose soil with a good draining capacity.


When the plants are yonger, these plants need a lot of nutrients and you can supply them in the form of liquid fertilizers that are diluted.

Also whenever you see a new leave emerging you can fertilize it lightly.

Never fertilize during dormat season like winters. If you overfertilize it then due to the build up of the minerals and salts on the soil the leaves might droop off.

In this case, you need to leach you soil to get rid of those accumulated nutrients and salt deposits.

Before fertilizing your plants make sure to water them.


They are adaptable to a wider range of temperatures. But make sure the temperature doesn’t fall below 60 degree farenheit.


When it comes to watering, the Dieffenbachia should be kept moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch or so of soil to dry out before watering again. If the leaves start to droop, that is a sign that the plant is thirsty.

In case of underwatering the leaves will turn dry and yellow and will eventually fall off. On the other hand overwatering them can lead the roots to easily rot.

If you find any completely dried up yellow leaves, pick it so it doesn’t affect the rest of the plant as well.


Based on its rate and the size of the pot the plant might need to be repotted once a year. If you find roots spoking out of the pot or multiple new leaves coming, then your plant might probably need some additional area for its growth.

Just like any other plant, place the root and the soil in a new pot. Fill the new pot with additional perlite, sand and compost.

Pruning and Propagating

Pruning and propagating dieffenbachia is a simple process that can be done to improve the plant’s appearance or encourage new growth.

To prune, simply cut back the dieffenbachia’s stems to the desired length using sharp, clean shears. It’s best to prune in the spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing.

To propagate, take stem cuttings from a healthy dieffenbachia plant and roots them in moist potting mix. The cuttings should root within 4-6 weeks.

Common Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases are relatively uncommon in Dieffenbachia plants. However, if your plant does become infested or infected, there are a few common culprits to look out for.

i) Mealybug

One of the most common pests is the mealybug. Mealybugs are small, white insects that feed on plant sap. They can cause yellowing and wilting of leaves, and if left unchecked, can eventually kill the plant.

ii) Root rot

Root rot is caused by too much moisture around the roots of the plant, which can lead to fungal growth and decay.

iii) Leaf spot

Leaf spot is caused by fungi or bacteria that infect the leaves, causing brown or black spots to form. If either of these diseases is present, it’s important to take immediate action to save the plant.


Dieffenbachia is a great houseplant that is easy to care for if you have the right information.

This comprehensive guide has provided you with all the necessary details on how to properly water and fertilize your dieffenbachia, as well as other helpful tips on keeping it healthy.

With these guidelines in mind, your dieffenbachia will be thriving in no time!

The post From Watering to Fertilizing: A Comprehensive Guide to Dieffenbachia Care appeared first on caregroomlove.

Mastering Philodendron Plowmanii Care: Everything you need to Know Sat, 28 Aug 2021 19:07:19 +0000 Are you a proud owner of the stunning Philodendron Plowmanii plant but struggling to care for it? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we’ll be sharing our top tips and tricks on mastering Philodendron Plowmanii care, and how to provide the love and attention it deserves. From watering schedules to lighting requirements, we’ve got […]

The post Mastering Philodendron Plowmanii Care: Everything you need to Know appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you a proud owner of the stunning Philodendron Plowmanii plant but struggling to care for it? Look no further!

In this ultimate guide, we’ll be sharing our top tips and tricks on mastering Philodendron Plowmanii care, and how to provide the love and attention it deserves.

From watering schedules to lighting requirements, we’ve got you covered. So grab your gardening gloves and get ready to become a pro at caring for one of nature’s most beautiful creations!

Philodendrons can be either crawling or climbing. Plowmanii is a crawling philodendron. The general growth of the stem of the plant crawls on the ground horizontally.

The plant originally belongs to the tropical regions of Peru and Ecuador. In its natural environment, it is capable of growing to a height of 30 feet.


The leaves of the plant are heart-shaped and have a glossy texture to it. The leaves look different at different stages of the growth of the plant. They usually have a mix of dark green and pale yellow with a blade passing in the middle of it.

The veins of the leaves are prominent, and they have ruffles on the stems and on the back. Their stems are brown to greenish in color.

As the plant grows, the stems and the leaves get bigger. So it is necessary to give the required space in the pot.


The plant prefers well-drained soil, that doesn’t hold too much water and drains it off. You can add a mix of substances like charcoal, pumice, and perlite. Make sure not to add in too much of chunky large substances.

Since the roots of this plant are tiny it does need some sand to have a good hold to it.


They prefer bright, indirect light. The leaves shouldn’t be exposed to direct sunlight. A bright indirect light for about 3 to 4 hours every day works great for this plant. If regulating the lighting is hard, you can opt to use grow light for better growth.


The ideal temp is 55 to 83 deg Fahrenheit. Since these plants are from tropical regions, they really need a good optimal temperature. Make sure the temp is at least 55 or more for better growth.

Avoid extreme temperature differences. Don’t place the plant in an extremely high or low-temperature environment.


It loves humid conditions. 50 to 60% of humidity is great. Use a humidifier to regulate the moisture in your environment since it is not practically possible in every environment to maintain such a humidity level.


Watering of this plant ideally needs watering once a week. But this factor can vary depending on other factors including your soil mixture, the humidity and temperature of your environment, the size of the plant, and more.

These plants are humid lovers and also love a lit bit of moisture in their soil. Watering once a week should work. However, you can regulate it based on what works for you.

Unlike succulents that are well adapted to drought conditions and dry soil, plowmanii couldn’t tolerate dry soil and drought conditions. Make sure to keep the soil moist and not let it completely dry.


Since these plants are crawlers and their roots of them grow horizontally, it is good to go with an elongated potting rather than a regular round pot. Ensure the pot has drain holes for proper drainage of excess water.


These plants don’t require a regular supply of fertilizers. It is good to add a slow-release fertilizer that will provide the necessary nutrients for an extended period like a month or two.

You can also use any regular fertilizers that you use for other plants in your garden.

Liquid fertilizers are also a nice option to consider. And if you are using a liquid fertilizer then add them every 2 to 4 weeks depending upon the plant’s reception.

Most of the plants in general are dormant during the winter season and growth isn’t that great, so reduce your frequency of fertilization during winter.


If you do need to repot your Philodendron plowmanii, choose a pot that’s only slightly larger than the current one. This will give the roots room to grow without being too cramped. Be sure to use a well-draining potting mix; Philodendrons like their roots to be moist but not soggy.

To repot your Philodendron plowmanii, follow these steps:

1) Gently remove the plant from its current pot. Carefully loosen the root ball with your fingers if necessary.

2) Place the plant in its new pot and fill in around it with fresh potting mix.

What are you waiting for?

We hope this guide has been helpful in providing you with the necessary tips and tricks to care for your Philodendron Plowmanii.

With a little bit of effort, you can create an oasis of greenery that will be sure to be the envy of all your friends.

If done correctly, caring for a Philodendron Plowmanii can be both enjoyable and rewarding; we wish you luck as you embark on this journey!

The post Mastering Philodendron Plowmanii Care: Everything you need to Know appeared first on caregroomlove.

Everything You Need to Know About Gold Dust Croton Plant Care Tue, 17 Aug 2021 19:07:18 +0000 Are you looking for a statement plant that will add some serious sparkle to your home? Look no further than the Gold Dust Croton! With its vibrant colors and unique texture, this tropical beauty is sure to make a bold statement in any room. But before adding one of these stunners to your collection, it’s […]

The post Everything You Need to Know About Gold Dust Croton Plant Care appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you looking for a statement plant that will add some serious sparkle to your home?

Look no further than the Gold Dust Croton! With its vibrant colors and unique texture, this tropical beauty is sure to make a bold statement in any room.

But before adding one of these stunners to your collection, it’s important to know how to properly care for them.

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Gold Dust Croton plant care – from watering and fertilizing tips, all the way down to pest control. So let’s get started!

Crotons are usually present in different colors, sizes, and colors. They are also called sun spots croton. It is a tropical plant that roots back its origin to Southeast Asia. The weather in southeastern Asia is usually tropical/subtropical with a good amount of sunlight, humidity, and rain.


When kept completely indoors, the plant usually grows to about 2 feet in height, whereas if it is left to grow in nature it can grow as high as 4 feet. It usually doesn’t grow into a huge tree.


Direct sunlight is not for this plant. It requires indirect, filtered sunlight. If you keep it indoors, place it near the windows and if they are placed outside in your garden, make sure it has some kind of protection from direct sunlight. Place it near a taller tree so it doesn’t get any direct rays of the sun.

If left in direct sunlight, it can easily scorch the leaves and burn them.

If you have bought the plant and maintaining it. Then it is not recommended to introduce it to indirect sunlight for a prolonged period as you may not have a complete idea on the condition the plant was maintained in so far.

It is good to introduce it slowly to sunlight (a few hours a day) and practice the plant to it. After a week or two, the plant should ideally be able to adapt to the environmental condition. Now is the right spot to place it in a natural condition or indoors completely.


They love thorough and infrequent watering. Water your plant when the top 2 inches of the soil is dry. Insert your finger in the soil and if the soil is until the 2nd knuckle of your finger is dry then it is the right time to water your plant.

And when you water, make sure water is thoroughly. Once it is watered, do not keep watering it every day or even sprinkle water. Water only when the soil becomes dry the next time.

When you water, ensure that the water comes out of the drain holes. Underwatering is equally dangerous as overwatering. Sometimes you might miss out on the last part of the root and this part will be deprived of water and can eventually let the plant die.

If the plant needs water, the leaves will show off some signs like sagginess and curling down. But never let your plant show signs of underwatering. Doing this quite frequently can cause damage to the plant.

So, when you water make sure that it reaches the very end of the root and excess water is drained off the holes in the pot.


Make sure the pot has drain holes that drain the excess water from the soil and the plant. Without drain holes, the excess water in the plant will get trapped and will start to rot the roots.


These plants need a humid environment to thrive and survive. Place them in a humid and damp place. And you can also use a humidifier for better control, especially if it is an indoor environment for a longer time.

The humidity level that it requires can also vary during summers and winters. So, make sure to adjust your humidifier accordingly.


The plants like the soil that is light and airy. The light and airy soil doesn’t hold up too much of water and that is what the plant exactly likes. Thick, hard, and compacted soil is not ideal for these plants.

The soil composition that usually works great for them is about 3 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of coco core or sand, and 1/2 parts of perlite

The pH of the soil needs to be anywhere between 5 to 7.5pH an acidic to neutral condition works great.


Just like succulents, these crotons have problems with spider mites and millie bugs, and a common problem is root rot.

How to Transplant

Loosen up the soil in the old pot. Immerse a stick in isopropyl alcohol just to stay out of infections. And dip it in the soil to loosen it up.

Remove the moss build-up at the outer part of the soil and loosen up the roots a bit to create a better breathing room. And trim out any rotten or excess roots.

Now carefully place the plant in the new pot with drain holes. Filling the pot with some garden soil, and cocoa core.


Gold Dust Croton plants are beautiful and easy to care for. With the right amount of sunlight, soil, and water, you can keep your plant healthy and vibrant.

Additionally, pruning is an important part of keeping your croton’s foliage looking full and lush.

If you follow these tips for gold dust croton plant care regularly, then you’ll be able to enjoy this beauty in your home or garden for years to come.

The post Everything You Need to Know About Gold Dust Croton Plant Care appeared first on caregroomlove.

A Complete Plant Care Guide: Alocasia Hilo Beauty Care Guide Mon, 26 Jul 2021 18:02:53 +0000 Are you looking to add some lush greenery to your home decor? Look no further than the stunning Alocasia Hilo Beauty plant! With its unique and striking foliage, this plant is sure to turn heads. But caring for it can be a bit tricky. That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate guide to help you […]

The post A Complete Plant Care Guide: Alocasia Hilo Beauty Care Guide appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you looking to add some lush greenery to your home decor?

Look no further than the stunning Alocasia Hilo Beauty plant! With its unique and striking foliage, this plant is sure to turn heads. But caring for it can be a bit tricky.

That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate guide to help you with alocasia hilo beauty care. From watering tips to fertilization tricks, we’ve got everything you need to know. Let’s get started!

It is a beautiful decorative plant that can grow to a height of 2 to 4 feet. The leaves are huge with camouflaged shades of yellow and green. The edges of this plant are quite wavy.

This is a hybrid plant and it doesn’t flower. They have cool and unique coloring and patterns on their leaves.


they have large leaves similar to the lotus that have a camouflaged appearance to them. It has a mix of green and a light brown color on its leaves.


They need bright lighting. Placing them close to the window helps them grow better. And direct sunlight isn’t great for these plants. Since their leaves are so delicate and thin, they can burn easily if exposed to direct sun rays.

An environment with filtered medium bright indirect lighting is best for their optimal growth.


The thumb to water them is to wait for the top 2 inches or the first knuckle of your finger of the soil to dry and water them after that. If they are overwatered they can rot their roots pretty fast and with their delicate root structure, they are more susceptible to rotting of roots.

To give an example of how much water it would require, if you have planted it in a 4-inch pot, you can probably water them every 7 to 10 days. The soil should be moist but not soggy. So if you are using a pot that is greater in size than this, you should probably increase your watering cycle as well, since a larger pot can hold moisture for a greater period.


This variety of plants, in particular, is more prone to the attack of spider mites so it is necessary to take preventive steps against it. You can use natural pesticides like neem powder to keep the pests at bay.


These plants love to thrive in humid areas. Keeping them in a space with a humidifier and spraying water a couple of times a week will do wonders for them.


Since these plants are extremely reactive to overwatering, make sure you have potting that is well-drained. Also, the soil mixture that you use also has to be taken care of.

Add in perlites, plant moss, charcoal, coconut coir, pebbles, and some sand for better drainage. Use a medium well-draining pot mix.


If the roots of the plant come out of its current pot then it’s probably time for a repot. Plant it in a bigger-sized pot.

how to repot Alocasia Hilo Beauty
  • Choose a new pot that’s wider and deeper than the old one.
  • Gently remove your plant from its old pot, and be careful not to damage the roots.
  • Place the plant in the new pot, and fill in around it with fresh potting mix. Firm it gently with your hands.
  • Water thoroughly, and place in a bright spot out of direct sunlight until the plant adjusts to its new home.


They don’t necessarily require frequent fertilization. Adding enough nutrients once or twice a month would work.

The plant does really well even without fertilizers. When you see new rhizomes or baby plants coming in, you can add some fertilizer to supply nutrients for the growing baby plant.

Fertilization is mostly required in the summer and spring seasons and not in the winter season. Because, in winter the plant usually goes dormant.


Unlike pathos, these plants cannot be propagation through leaf cuttings. They produce baby plants more like rhizomes or tubers that are produced from the mother plant. They look more like tiny pebbles in round shapes.

To propagate this plant, cut these rhizomes or baby plants and repot them in the soil. Keep the soil moist until it grows into a new plant.


As with all plants, be sure to give your Alocasia Hilo Beauty Plant plenty of sunlight and water. If you follow these simple care instructions, you’ll have a happy and healthy plant that will thrive for years to come.

The post A Complete Plant Care Guide: Alocasia Hilo Beauty Care Guide appeared first on caregroomlove.

How to Care for String of Tears Plant: A Complete Guide for Beginners Mon, 14 Jun 2021 09:41:31 +0000 Are you looking for a unique and beautiful plant to add to your collection? Look no further than the string of tears plant! This stunning succulent is known for its delicate, cascading leaves that resemble strings of pearls. Not only is it visually appealing, but it’s also easy to care for and propagate. In this […]

The post How to Care for String of Tears Plant: A Complete Guide for Beginners appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you looking for a unique and beautiful plant to add to your collection? Look no further than the string of tears plant!

This stunning succulent is known for its delicate, cascading leaves that resemble strings of pearls. Not only is it visually appealing, but it’s also easy to care for and propagate.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about how to care for string of tears plant

So grab your gardening gloves and let’s get started!

What is a string of tears?

A string of tears (Curio herreianus previously known as Senecio herreianus) is one of the most visually stunning houseplants you can find. These graceful vines are native to Namibia and South Africa, but they have become popular among indoor gardeners all around the globe.

The plant is characterized by small round leaves that grow in pairs along thin stems that drape down like a string.

string of tears plant

The leaves have a unique appearance due to their translucent texture and vibrant green color which makes them look like little beads strung together on threads.

The “tears” come from tiny water droplets forming at each leaf’s base.

What makes these plants even more exciting is their ability to produce delicate white flowers with yellow centers during summer months if properly cared for.

It’s an easy-to-maintain show-stopper that will add some natural beauty to your space while requiring minimal effort on your part!

How to care for string of tears plant

They are pretty similar to the string of pearls but they have a pointed ends that make them resemble a tear drop in shape.

The string of hearts, string of bananas, string of pearls they are belong to the same genus and the care for each of these succulents are pretty much similar with very minor variations.

A string of tears plants is a unique and delicate addition to any indoor garden. These beautiful trailing succulents thrive in bright, indirect light and require minimal care to grow well.

i) Lighting

If the plant is not given enough top-down light or if the light is not perfectly angling, then the green leaves will get bald on top (the area where the sunlight is not present). Then change the direction of the lighting.

Having a grow light that can be directed and regulated works great for them.

Never expose them in the direct sunlight. Keep them in indirect bright light for better growth.

These plants prefer bright but indirect sunlight. Although they can tolerate some direct sun exposure, too much can cause their leaves to burn or dry out.

ii) Watering

If the plant is underwatered it will have wrinkles on it on the other hand if the plant is overwatered it will burst like a pea out of its pod. When you find the leaves shrivel, water them.

To care for your string of tears plant, start by ensuring that it is planted in well-draining soil. Water only when the soil has completely dried out, as overwatering can quickly lead to root rot.

iii) Pests

They generally don’t attract any pests, but sometimes quite rarely you can encounter some spider mites.

If you notice any mould or a white dots you can easily rub them off using a q-tip dipped in a rubbing alcohol but don’t spray over.

iv) Fertilizers

If you adding fertilizers never add them during summers. Winters are mostly the perfect time for adding in the fertilizers. They don’t need too much of fertilization or a constant monitoring of nutrients.

It is enough to provide with the required micronutrients once every 3 to 4 months. They aren’t heavy feeders. You can usually spray water soluble fertilizer mix for better growth. Be sure not to over-fertilize as this can damage the plant’s roots.

v) Pruning

The plant itself is delicate, especially the stems. It is advised not to put them under pressure.

Another important aspect of caring for your string of tears plant is pruning. Regularly trimming back any dead or damaged growth will help promote healthy new growth and keep your plant looking its best.

vi) Scent

The flowers of the plant have a mix of cinnamon and a clove scent to it

vii) Potting

You can use succulent potting mix not mere sand to plant them.

Since all the ‘String of’ varieties and succulents mostly grow in a drought conditions, they don’t usually require consistent supply of water.

Since they don’t really want to retain water, use plastic pots. Earthern pots doesn’t work well with them. During winters, sparingly water it, as it is very easy for them to get overwatered.

Hence, the soil they are potted should be porous enough and should have a better draining capacity more like a grainy soil that is loose, porous, and sandy.

With just a little bit of attention and care, your string of tears plant is sure to thrive!

Troubleshooting diseases

Troubleshooting your string of tears plant is important to ensure its health and longevity.

  • Overwatering – One common issue that may arise is overwatering, which can lead to root rot. To avoid this, make sure the soil dries out completely between watering sessions.
  • Pests – Another potential problem is pests such as spider mites or mealybugs. These can be treated with insecticidal soap or neem oil, but it’s important to catch them early before they spread.
  • Not enough sunlight – If you notice your string of tears plant becoming leggy and losing its fullness, it may not be getting enough light. Move it closer to a window or provide additional artificial lighting if necessary.
  • Lack of Nutrients – Yellow leaves may also indicate a lack of nutrients or too much direct sunlight. Consider fertilizing the plant every few weeks during the growing season and providing some shade during the hottest parts of the day.

By being proactive in troubleshooting any issues with your string of tears plant, you can help ensure its continued health and beauty in your home.


The string of tears plant is a beautiful addition to any indoor or outdoor space. With its low maintenance needs and unique appearance, it’s no wonder that this trailing succulent has become increasingly popular among plant enthusiasts.

By following the care guide outlined in this article, you can ensure that your string of tears plant thrives and continues to bring joy for years to come.

Remember to keep it in a well-lit area with proper drainage and avoid overwatering.

With a little bit of attention and care, your string of tears will reward you with cascading vines full of delicate tear-shaped leaves.

So go ahead and add one (or more!) to your collection – we guarantee you won’t regret it!

The post How to Care for String of Tears Plant: A Complete Guide for Beginners appeared first on caregroomlove.

What Causes White Spots in Cucumber Leaves and How to Prevent Them Mon, 17 May 2021 05:22:55 +0000 Cucumbers are a delicious and refreshing addition to any summer salad or snack, but seeing white spots on their leaves can be alarming. These mysterious marks may have you wondering if your beloved cucumbers are in danger! Don’t fret just yet – we’re here to shed some light on the causes of white spots in […]

The post What Causes White Spots in Cucumber Leaves and How to Prevent Them appeared first on caregroomlove.

Cucumbers are a delicious and refreshing addition to any summer salad or snack, but seeing white spots on their leaves can be alarming.

These mysterious marks may have you wondering if your beloved cucumbers are in danger!

Don’t fret just yet – we’re here to shed some light on the causes of white spots in cucumber leaves, how to prevent them from occurring, and what steps you can take if they do appear.

So grab a cool drink and let’s dive into the world of cucumber care!

Causes of white spots on cucumber leaves

White spots on cucumber leaves can be caused by a variety of factors.

causes of white spots on cucumber leaves
  • Fungal Disease – One common culprit is powdery mildew, a fungal disease that thrives in warm and humid conditions. Powdery mildew appears as a white or grayish coating on the leaves stems, and fruit of affected plants.
  • Direct Sunlight – Another possible cause of white spots is sunburn. Cucumbers are sensitive to intense sunlight and may develop white patches where they’ve been exposed to too much heat.
  • Pests – In some cases, pests like spider mites or thrips may also be responsible for creating white spots on cucumber leaves. These tiny insects feed on the plant’s sap, leaving behind small spots or speckles.
  • Crowd growing – If you grow more than a minimum amount of cucumber plants in the same area, it is called crowd growing. This can cause stress to the plants hindering their respiratory process. This causes fungal infections. Leave adequate space for air between the two plants.
  • Soil Quality – Planting many plants on the same soil can absorb the nutrients from the soil which need to be replenished frequently. Poor quality soil without any nutrients will harm the plants.
  • Deficiency – Nutrient deficiencies like calcium deficiency can cause whitish areas near the edges or tips of cucumber leaves.
  • Fertilizers – Using too much chemical fertilizers can also cause harm to your cucumber leaves and cause white spots.

Identifying the root cause of your cucumber’s white spots is key to treating them effectively. In the next section, we’ll explore some tips for preventing these unsightly marks from appearing in the first place!

Treatment of white spots on cucumber leaves

Preventing white spots on cucumber leaves is much easier than treating them.

Here are some tips to keep your cucumber plants healthy and free from any kind of disease.

  • Proper watering: Overwatering or underwatering can cause stress to the plant, leading to various diseases including white spots. Make sure that you water your cucumber plants adequately but not excessively.
proper watering of plant
  • Fertilization: Cucumber plants require a balanced amount of nutrients for their growth and development. Use a good-quality fertilizer and apply it at regular intervals as per the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • Soil Health: The soil in which the cucumber plants grow must have proper drainage, be rich in organic matter, and should have the optimal acidic level or pH.
check soil health
  • Plant spacing: Crowding of plants can lead to poor air circulation, which increases humidity levels around each plant resulting in fungal growth causing white spots on leaves.
  • Pruning regularly: Regular pruning of unwanted shoots will help promote better airflow within the plant canopy reducing humidity levels thus minimizing disease development including white-spot formation on leaves.

By following these simple steps and maintaining good hygiene practices like removing dead foliage from time to time, you can prevent your cucumber plant’s leave from developing unsightly white spots!

Prevention of white spots on cucumber leaves

Treating white spots on cucumber leaves requires prompt action to prevent the spread of disease and save your plants.

If you notice any signs of powdery mildew or downy mildew, begin treatment immediately with a fungicide spray designed for cucumbers.

There are also natural remedies that have been proven effective in treating white spots on cucumber leaves.

These include neem oil, baking soda mixed with water, and milk diluted with water. However, it is important to note that these remedies may not be as effective as commercial fungicides.

Preventing the occurrence of white spots is always better than having to treat them. Proper watering techniques and ensuring adequate air circulation around your plants can go a long way in preventing the onset of fungal diseases.


Keeping an eye out for early signs of plant diseases like powdery mildew and downy mildew can help you take prompt action before they become more severe.

Remember to practice good gardening habits such as proper watering techniques and maintaining adequate spacing between plants to promote healthy growth in your cucumbers.

With these tips in mind, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest free from unsightly white spots on your cucumber leaves!

The post What Causes White Spots in Cucumber Leaves and How to Prevent Them appeared first on caregroomlove.

Why Are My Snake Plant Leaves Turning White? Common Causes and Solutions Sun, 02 May 2021 11:29:47 +0000 Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria or mother-in-law’s tongue, are one of the most popular houseplants due to their hardiness and air-purifying properties. However, if you notice your snake plant’s leaves turning white, it can be concerning. White leaves on a snake plant may indicate that there is an underlying problem that needs fixing. In […]

The post Why Are My Snake Plant Leaves Turning White? Common Causes and Solutions appeared first on caregroomlove.

Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria or mother-in-law’s tongue, are one of the most popular houseplants due to their hardiness and air-purifying properties.

However, if you notice your snake plant’s leaves turning white, it can be concerning. White leaves on a snake plant may indicate that there is an underlying problem that needs fixing.

In this blog post, we will explore the causes of snake plant leaves turning white and provide helpful tips to bring your beloved plant back to its healthy green state!

Why are snake plant leaves turning white?

There are several reasons why your snake plant’s leaves may be turning white.

i) Exposure to Light

One of the most common reasons is excessive light exposure.

Snake plants generally grow well in both dark and light environments. However, if the plant is exposed to direct sunshine for a porlonged period of time it can make the plant turn white.

ii) Overwatering

Another factor that could be causing the white coloration on your plant’s leaves is overwatering. Snake plants prefer well-draining soil and do not require frequent watering.

If you’re giving your snake plant too much water, it can lead to root rot and other issues that manifest as white spots or discoloration on the leaves.

iii) Pests or mealy bugs

Pests such as spider mites or mealybugs can also cause damage to a snake plant’s foliage, resulting in pale or yellowish-white patches on the leaves.

They can also cause damage to the plant by sucking out its sap and leaving behind a trail of dead tissue on the leaves.

iv) Chemical Fertilizers

Additionally, chemical exposure from fertilizers or cleaning products can pose a threat to your beloved houseplant causing its leaves turning white.

Using tap water that contains high levels of fluoride or chlorine can result in leaf discoloration in snake plants

The chemicals in fertilizers can not only stunt plant’s growth and due to osmosis withdraws water from plants and leaves causing wilting of plants and turns the leaves white.

V) Humidity

These plants are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature. They thrive in the temperature range of 55 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

If they are exposed to excessively humid conditions they can develop a layer of Fungi over them that appears in the form of a powdery mildew.

It’s important to identify what’s happening with your particular snake plant so you can take appropriate steps to address the issue before it causes permanent damage!

How to fix it

If you notice that your snake plant’s leaves are turning white, don’t panic! There are ways to fix this issue and bring your plant back to good health.

how to fix snake plant leaves turning white
  • Overwatering – Check the soil moisture of your snake plant. Overwatering is one of the main reasons for leaf discoloration. If the soil is wet or damp, allow it to dry out before watering again. Ensure that there are drainage holes in your pot to prevent water from sitting in the bottom.
  • Too much sunlight – Assess if your snake plant is getting too much direct sunlight. While these plants can tolerate low light conditions, they should not be exposed to intense sun rays as this can cause damage and discoloration of their foliage.
  • Pests – Check for spider mites or mealybugs on both sides of the leaves and treat with insecticidal soap spray accordingly.
  • Hard Water – Make sure the water you use is free of too much of electrolytes or other chemicals and salts
  • Environment – If you are growing it indoors, make sure to give it time to adjust to your indoor temperature and lighting conditions. Consider repotting your snake plant into fresh soil with added perlite for better drainage or even changing its location altogether if it has been consistently stressed by unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Dust – Dust off the leaves regularly with a damp cloth or sponge. Dust buildup could deprive them of oxygen causing white patches to appear.
  • Fertilizers – Avoid using chemical fertilizers as they may be too strong for these hardy plants leading to nutrient burn which can be harmful. Use natural pest repellents like neem oil to keep the pests away

By following these steps and giving proper attention and care to your snake plant, you will soon see healthy green leaves again!


To sum up, seeing your snake plant’s leaves turning white can be alarming, but with proper care and attention, you can revive your beloved houseplant.

The key is to identify the root cause of the problem and take immediate action to remedy it.

By following these tips and taking swift corrective measures when necessary, you’ll enjoy healthy and vibrant snake plants for years to come.

With a little bit of attention and plenty of love, there’s no reason why this striking tropical beauty shouldn’t thrive in your home!

The post Why Are My Snake Plant Leaves Turning White? Common Causes and Solutions appeared first on caregroomlove.

How to create a terrarium for succulents Sun, 23 Aug 2020 19:46:51 +0000 Are you looking for a creative way to bring more greenery into your home or office space? A terrarium might just be the perfect solution for you! In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of how to create a terrarium for succulents that will thrive in any environment. Follow these simple […]

The post How to create a terrarium for succulents appeared first on caregroomlove.

Are you looking for a creative way to bring more greenery into your home or office space?

A terrarium might just be the perfect solution for you!

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of how to create a terrarium for succulents that will thrive in any environment.

Follow these simple steps and get ready to add some natural beauty to your surroundings!

What is a terrarium?

A terrarium is a miniature garden enclosed in a glass container.

It provides the perfect environment for plants to thrive and grow without much maintenance.

The closed environment creates a self-sustaining ecosystem, which means that the plants inside can recycle water and nutrients, making it an eco-friendly addition to your home or office.

source: plantedglassterrarium

Terrariums come in different shapes and sizes right from small desktop versions to larger statement pieces.

They can be filled with various types of plants such as succulents, cacti, ferns, or mosses, depending on your personal preference.

How to create a terrarium for succulents

Creating a terrarium for succulents is an easy, fun, and beautiful addition to your house.

i) Choosing the container

The first step in making a terrarium is selecting the container. You can choose from glass jars, bowls, or even light bulbs depending on your preference and style.

ii) Add activated charcoal (optional)

The activated charcoal will adsorb the excess water and other traces of chemicals and unwanted microbes present in the water. This provides your succulents with clean and fresh water helping them grow better.

iii) Add Drain Material

It’s time to add some drainage material at the bottom of the container such as gravel or sand.

Adding the rocks or gravels will give an elevated environment for the plants and they also provide an aesthetically pleasing look to the terrarium.

Add white or other colored pebble-like stones. Since there are no holes in these containers for water drainage, the rocks or gravels you add at the bottom of your terrarium basically act as a better place for water drainage.

This will help prevent water accumulation which could lead to root rot.

iv) Add soil protection layer

A layer of moss is to prevent the potting mix which we are going to add next from going all the way to the bottom of the pot and it also gives the succulents a good hold.

Alternatively, you can also a thin layer of cotton mesh to prevent the sand and soil from reaching and settling at the bottom

v) Add potting soil

Once you have added the drainage layer, it’s time to add some potting soil specifically designed for succulents.

You can also use the regular potting mix that you find in the grocery stores.

Make sure you leave enough space at the top for your plants.

vi) Add sand

In addition to the potting mix, you can also use coarse play sand, horticulture sand, and also gravel to add more look to the terrarium and also for better water drainage.

vii) Add perlite or pumice stones

Though we have already added in some hard, medium-sized pebble-like rocks, to give our terrarium a little more vibrant look we are going to add a thin layer of perlite or pumice stones.

They also help in keeping the soil aerated.

viii) Add decorative plants

Add decorative plants and gardening items like sticks moss, lichen, stones, or whatever cute natural things you could find if desired.

Add cute succulents – Now it’s time to place all your cute tiny succulents. Carefully plant them into the soil and arrange them however you like.

It’s important not to overcrowd them so they have enough space to grow.

Voila! You now have a beautiful DIY succulent terrarium that is sure to impress friends and family.

When watering your succulents in a terrarium, you can gently spray water over them. Be careful not to pour water and make the soil soggy or overwet.

With just a few basic materials and some simple care tips, you can create your very own beautiful terrarium in minutes.

Remember to choose the right container, soil mix, and plants for your terrarium’s environment. Be sure to give your succulents plenty of light but not too much direct sunlight and mist them sparingly.

With patience and creativity, you can design a beautiful terrarium that reflects your unique style while providing an oasis of greenery in even the smallest spaces.

So why not try making one today? Your new plant friends are waiting!

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Fungus in Succulents – Causes, Maintenance & Solution Mon, 22 Jun 2020 18:11:34 +0000 Fungus is a common problem that many plant lovers face. In this blog post, we’ll explore what causes fungus in succulents and how to prevent and treat it. We will also share some tips for maintaining to keep your beautiful plants healthy. What causes fungus in succulents? Fungus in succulents is a common problem that […]

The post Fungus in Succulents – Causes, Maintenance & Solution appeared first on caregroomlove.

Fungus is a common problem that many plant lovers face.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what causes fungus in succulents and how to prevent and treat it.

We will also share some tips for maintaining to keep your beautiful plants healthy.

What causes fungus in succulents?

Fungus in succulents is a common problem that several factors can cause.

  • Overwatering – One of the main causes is overwatering, which creates an environment where fungus grows.
  • Moist Soil – When the soil remains moist for too long, it becomes a breeding ground for fungi to grow and spread.
  • Poor ventilation – Another cause of fungal growth in succulents is poor air circulation.
  • Overcrowded – If your plants are overcrowded or placed in areas with limited airflow, this can lead to excess moisture buildup and create fungal growth.
  • Contaminated Soil/Pots – Using contaminated soil or pots when repotting your succulent can also introduce fungi into their environment.
  • Unclean Tools – It’s important to use clean tools when transplanting your plants to prevent any contamination.
  • Plant Stress – Stress on the plant due to environmental factors can weaken its natural defense system against fungi.
  • Sudden Environmental Changes – Factors like extreme heat or cold temperatures, high humidity levels, or exposure to pests can also make them more exposed to infection.

Preventing fungus from developing in succulents requires: proper watering, well-draining soils that promote healthy root systems and good ventilation.

How to prevent and treat fungus in succulents?

Here is a list of the common things that can help your easily treat any fungal disease in succulents.

  • Proper Drainage – Succulents grow in well-draining soil and containers with drainage holes.
  • Pruning – If you do notice signs of fungus on your succulent, such as discolored or soft spots on the leaves. Remove affected leaves using clean tools and dispose of them immediately.
  • Fungicides – You can also use natural fungicides like neem oil or diluted hydrogen peroxide spray to help control the spread of the fungus. Just be sure not to apply too much as it may damage the plant.
  • Monitor – Regularly inspect your succulents for signs of fungus and take preventative measures.

How to maintain healthy succulents?

Maintaining healthy succulents is easy. The key is to provide them with the right environment.

Here are some tips on how to maintain healthy succulents.

  • Don’t overwater – Ensure that you do not overwater your plant. In general, it’s best to underwater rather than overwater your succulent.
  • Give them sunlight – In terms of light requirements, most succulents prefer bright but indirect sunlight. If your plant is stretching towards the light source or becoming pale in color, it may need more direct sunlight.
  • Provide proper care – Promptly address any issues by removing affected leaves and treating with appropriate pesticides if necessary.

By following these simple steps and providing your succulent with proper care and attention, you can enjoy a healthy cute succulent for years.

The post Fungus in Succulents – Causes, Maintenance & Solution appeared first on caregroomlove.

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