Are you a plant lover looking to add a touch of exotic beauty to your indoor or outdoor space? Look no further than the stunning adenium!
With its vibrant colors and unique shape, this desert rose is sure to catch the eye.
But how do you bring this striking plant to life from seeds?
In this blog post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about how to grow adenium from seeds, where to find them, and more.
Get ready for your green thumb journey with our comprehensive guide!
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They are called desert rose and are excellent drought tolerant plants. It is a succulent plant and it stores a lot of water in its stem.
One of the most distinctive features of adenium is its swollen trunk base, which stores water for times of drought.
The leaves are green and glossy with thick stems, while the flowers bloom in clusters from spring through fall. Adenium comes in various colors such as pink, red, white and yellow.
Where to find adenium seeds?
Adenium seeds can be found in several places, including online stores and nurseries.
One of the best ways to find high-quality adenium seeds is by searching for reputable sellers on gardening forums. These forums often have discussions about different types of adenium plants and the best places to purchase their seeds.
Online marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay also offer a wide range of adenium seed options, but it’s important to read reviews carefully before making a purchase.
Some vendors may not provide genuine or viable seeds, so it’s essential to do some research beforehand.
Another option is visiting local nurseries that specialize in exotic or rare plants. They may carry Adenium seeds, especially during the growing season when the demand for them increases.

How to grow adenium from seeds
Planting adenium seeds is an exciting process that can be done in a few simple steps.
Before you begin, make sure to have all the necessary equipment ready. You will need a pot or container with drainage holes, well-draining soil mix, and of course, your adenium seeds.

Step 1 – The adenium seeds in general are easy to prone to fungal attack. As soon as you get those seeds, spray in some anti-fungal powder to prevent it from fungal attack.
Step 2 – Plant the seeds in your soil mix and give the seeds enough space to grow without crowding everything in one spot.
Step 3 – Water the seeds once every two days during the germination phase.
Step 4 – In about two to three weeks, you can find new leaves and baby plants coming out of the soil.
Step 5 – When the plant starts to produce seed pods, wrap the seed pods with a twig. The dispersion process of adenium seeds is through the air. The pods burst open spreading the seeds in the air.
If you want to get more seeds, it is necessary to secure your seed pods once you find them mature.
To harvest the seeds from the pods, gently separate the seeds by removing the outer fluffy hairy wing.
How to take care of adenium plants
i) Soil
Since it is a succulent plant it prefers sandy textured soil. The optimal soil mix is 80% sand mixed with 20% of potting/gardening soil.
ii) Watering
Adeniums in general needs watering twice a week. Make sure the pot is well drained for the excess water to drain off the soil.
iii) Lighting
Since it is a drought plant it needs a good amount of sunlight to flower and for its better growth. A good level of humidity also supports the plant’s growth. It needs at least 6 hrs of sunlight, you can use bright grow lights if you are planting it indoors.
iv) Fertilizers
Use organic fertilizers like vermicompost and other natural ones to boost the plant’s growth and keep the pests at bay. Fertilizing the plant once a month is sufficient and it is not required to fertilize the plant during the dormant seasons.
v) Pests
The best solution to control pests without spending much on synthetic chemical pesticides is to use neem oil. Use it only if you find pests and other insects on your plant.
Mix a tablespoon of neem oil in a liter of water and give your plant a gentle spray all over. The neem will keep the pests at bay and doesn’t harm the plant in any way.
Growing adenium from seeds can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for any plant enthusiast. It may take some patience and effort, but the results are worth it.
By following these tips on how to grow adenium from seeds, anyone can successfully cultivate a beautiful desert rose at home.
With proper care and attention, your seedlings will flourish into stunning plants that will bring joy for years to come!