How to grow microgreens hydroponically?

Have you ever wanted to grow your own fresh and nutritious microgreens, but don’t have the outdoor space or ideal growing conditions? Well, fear not!

Hydroponic systems allow you to grow these superfoods indoors with no soil, and minimal maintenance, and produce less waste than traditional soil-based methods.

In this blog post, we’ll show you easy steps on how to grow microgreens hydroponically. Let’s get started!

Things you need

How to grow microgreens hydroponically

Here are a few simple steps:

i) Prepare the tray

Pour 2 cups of pH-balanced water (since microgreens don’t like water that has higher levels of pH) and ensure the water is evenly distributed across the tray.

ii) Sure to grow pads

Now place the sure-to-grow pad on top of the water and give it a gentle pat all over so that all the sections of the pad absorb the water from the tray.

After one side of the pad absorbed enough water, flip it and let the other side of the pad to let it absorb water as well.

If there are any spots that look or feel dry on the pad, then spray enough of water to cover it as well.

iii) Planting seeds

Now once the pad is saturated with water, take your microgreen seeds and sprinkle them all over the pad.

Since the grow pad is already wet, the seeds on sprinkling will stick to the wet pad straight away, it if doesn’t then spray some water on that area of the pad and sprinkle the seeds over.

The seeds should be spread evenly across the pad to over clumping and overcrowding of seeds at one spot.

After sprinkling the seeds, spray water all over the seeds and make sure every corner and seed is covered with water.

iv) Cover the seeds

Take another empty tray. Spray water over the tray and now cover your tray with seeds with the new tray to create a dark chamber.

This dark chamber will help the seeds germinate better and faster. Once every 12 hours, open the tray and mist the water over the seeds until the seeds germinate.

v) Growing phase

After the seeds have germinated enough you can keep them in indirect filtered lighting or under grow lights and treat them like regular plants but provide frequent water.

Since there are multiple small germinated seeds fighting for water and nutrients, it is essential to meet their water requirements and also spray liquid fertilizers once in a while for better growth.

Tada your hydroponically grow ready to harvest and use in a month of time.

Tips for Success

To ensure a successful hydroponic microgreen garden, here are some tips you should follow:

i) Use high-quality seeds – Seeds that aren’t of good quality can lead to poor growth and yield. Buy good quality seeds from a nearby nursery for guaranteed growth.

ii) Lighting conditions – Microgreens require a lot of light for optimal growth during their growth phase. Therefore, it’s best to provide them with bright LED lights or natural sunlight if growing outdoors.

iii) Maintain temperature and humidity – Microgreens thrive best in the optimal temperature and humidity level. Any going overboard will affect the plant’s growth. You can adjust your watering rate based on the temperature and humidity level of your environment.

iv) Avoid overcrowding – Avoid overcrowding your seeds as this leads to stunted growth and increased disease risk. Always aim for ample spacing between plantings.

Following these tips closely and consistently monitoring your garden’s progress through observation will help you achieve optimum results in no time!


Growing microgreens hydroponically can be a fun and rewarding experience for anyone who loves gardening.

With the right equipment, knowledge, and patience, you can grow fresh and flavorful microgreens all year round.

So why not give it a try today? You may just discover a new hobby that will bring joy to both yourself and those around you!

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